Friday, May 25, 2012

Module 1 Reflection

This module has made me think about my role as an instructional designer in the following ways:

     I have always been told and understand that classrooms should not be conducted with lecture.  Lectures are the worst way to teach a class.  There is a small few who fully grasp concepts from a lecture. When students work hands on and have to work through answers, they are more interested to learn, and they will remember more of what they learn.  I now understand how important project-based learning is.  It benefits everyone.  The students get so much more from their education when they are using higher-order thinking to work towards an answer.  I definitely plan on using Project-Based Learning in my classrooms.  All students will find a place for him or her to shine.  Every student has strengths and weaknesses, and I truly believe they can all find some part that will better benefit their learning experience.  I know as an instructional designer, it is up to me to teach my students where they benefit the most.  The best experience they can have from me is one where they are using all of their brain and developing life-long skills that will help them throughout life.  I know that I can provide this for them.  It will take some more work out of me, but it will give us all the best educational experience.

     I definitely think that when we mix things up in a classroom and students are given important tasks, everyone benefits.  They have a sense of belonging, and they feel important because without their contribution the project could not be completed.  When students are given a topic and they work together to research an idea, they will automatically learn their standards, as long as I create the project around the standards.  In today’s society, communicative and social skills are extremely important.  In the workforce, many times we are put into groups to work towards a common goal.  These are the skills they will be learning in Project-Based Learning. With using projects, my students will get more enjoyment out of their education which in return will inspire them to work harder at their education.  It’s a win-win for everyone!

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