Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Module 6 Reflection

This module has helped me think about self-directed learners and the role of differentiation in the following ways...

I think self-directed learning is a great aspect to incorporate into my classroom.  This has so many great benefits, not just for school but for future lives of my students.  In the workforce, employees must be self-directed; therefore, this a very valuable quality to learn that will help them much in the future.  In the classroom, this is a great way to teach because it gives the students a sense of responsibility.  When students feel that they are trusted with responsibility they are more eager to do well for you.  Students take learning into their own hands, and they are responsible for their educational actions.  I think this a great tool to incorporate education into the classroom.  Every year my classes are going to change.  Every student will have different needs, strengths, and weaknesses.  It is up to me to figure out the best learning style, the best tools, and the best way to conduct my classroom.  I have to do what is best for the whole, but that can be broken up into different learning styles.  I think it is possible to provide the best learning style for each of my students.  There are many tools and techniques that can be incorporated that can help learning take place.  It is up to me to figure out what tool is best for my students, but if I put in the extra time and effort, I think it will make the biggest difference for learning for my students. 

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